Alejandro Caffarelli Admitted to US District Court for Central District of Illinois

On January 9, 2015, attorney Alejandro Caffarelli was admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois. Within the next week, Caffarelli & Associates Ltd. intends to file a claim under the Family and Medical Leave Act in the Central District on behalf of a nursing home employee who was terminated for needing to take FMLA leave. The Firm takes pride in its ability to go wherever necessary and represent all types of employees, wherever they have been harmed. For more information about our Family and Medical Leave practice, including pregnancy or disability discrimination, please contact Alejandro Caffarelli at (312) 763-6880.

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    Caffarelli & Associates Ltd.

    8 South Michigan Avenue,
    Suite 1200
    Chicago, IL 60603

    P: (312) 763-6880